On March 22, 2010 thousands of people marched on Washington to tell Congress to reform the laws on immigration. Marching on the same day as the health care bill was to be passed, their mission was to put immigration as the next big undertaking for the United States. Many of the protesters took out their frustrations on President Obama because of his promises to overhaul immigration in the United States. The deportation rate of Illegal immigrants has raised five percent under the Obama administration. “March for America,” the organization running the march, claimed that the immigrants retain jobs and help American businesses.
Immigration is definitely a really important issue in American, but I disagree with the protesters of this march. First, immigration in of itself is a great thing. It is what makes the United States the awesome nation that it is. However, these protesters are not really advocating immigration, they are advocating ILLEGAL immigration. They want President Obama to give illegal immigrants the rights of American citizens. This is simply wrong. There is a process for citizenship, and if immigrants would like to apply they can. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is also completely unfair to those who are legally waiting to become citizens. There has to be order, and there has to be rules and regulations followed for people to become citizens of the United States. If we let everyone who snuck into the U.S. become a citizen, our country would be uncontrollable. It just does not make sense to open our doors to anyone and everyone.
As it stands right now, Illegal immigrants are hurting the economy more than helping it. None of these immigrants pay taxes and they are also draining our health care funds. We are also in a recession where millions of Americans cannot find jobs. It does not make sense to keep them here when our own citizens cannot find work. Also, although I am sure many of the family member of these protesters are friendly, the immigrants could be criminals. Because they are here illegally, there is no way of us knowing. Recently, an Arizona rancher was just murdered by an illegal immigrant on his own ranch(which was near the border). Illegal immigration is not only bad financially, but unsafe as well.
Although the intentions of these Immigration marches may be good, it does not change the consequences of what they are fighting for. Also, as in the article from the LA times, they make the issue sound much more appealing by not calling illegal immigration by what it is, illegal! By doing this it draws to our emotions rather than our logic. After all, we are all immigrants. But these protesters wanted to make their point clear. They want to have the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship. And they will continue to push through protests and voting. They said that the politicians will pay the price at the polls if they keep putting immigration on the back-burner. If President Obama is not putting immigration on the forefront, their future does not look too bright. For now, I hope that deportation rates keep increasing and our border become more secure.
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