Monday, March 15, 2010

Things Are Looking Grim for Health Care

In this article, Robert Samuelson, argues against universal health care and offers a new side to what U.S. citizens are being told about the presidents vow to "reform" health care. As I was reading the article, I couldn't help asking myself, "what does the proposed health care bill really offer?" No one really knows exactly what the reform bill includes except "universal" health care, and no "public option" yet, but what does that mean exactly. The American people are left in the dark when it comes to specifics of the bill. They're only told what they want to hear, that everyone will have some type of health care coverage. I can't make an educated decision on whether or not I am for or agianst Obama's universal health care system until I really understand who or what it will benefit or hurt. Since I really have no idea what exact details come with the bill, I decided to come up with ideas to solve the problem Congress states as issues.

I started to discuss the issue with my dad, and all the "reforms" I could think of lead to problems that he pointed out. I said "what if they just started a federal insurance company that offered low prices? Then insurance companies would be forced to lower their prices to compete." His rebutle was, that if the prices went to low, then companies would be forced to go out of business, I slowly started to realize this would only lead to a version of socialism, because the government would be in charge of health care, and it would no longer be a private business. It would also be hard to create a bill that forced insurance companies to comply with certain regulations because they are private companies. We do live in a country that believes in a "laissez faire" type of government, at least to a certain point. Even if laws were created to combat the high rates of these companies, it would be possible that some would be hurt to the point where they need to shut down. Everything I could think of that would "fix" the health care system didn't seem to work out for the better. Which leads me to believe that if nothing can make it better, it should be left the way it is.

Although, Dan Pfeiffer, White House Communications Director, does make a couple points in his blog about certain health care issues that I do think should addressed somehow. One being the ridiculous amount of money insurance companies make by having such high rates. Insurance companies should work to benefit their community, right? They should be compassionate and melt every time they hear a life changing story. I know I wouldn't want my family members lives or my life to suffer because some evil insurance company didn't insure us due to a high risk of diabetes. They're there to help sick people! But, we live in a capitalist nation, and however you can make big money, since it is the most important thing in the world, should be acceptable...right?

From my perspective now, reforming health care, it any type of way, will only hurt the federal budget and put the country into more debt by spending much needed currency on something I find to is not a very important issue when there are other, more drastic issues to worry about. I don't think the government taking months and months arguing over a health care bill is going to solve the recission we are in right now, or anything else for that matter. Though the American government system was built in order to slow decisions and stop haste, I think the lesson should from the dilemma President Obama is facing over his promise to reform health care should be; if it takes to long, maybe it shouldn't be forced. At least until the time calls for it. More pressing issues, like the devaluation of the dollar and the fact that, while the U.S. is spending millions keeping troops overseas, other countries are using their precious money and resources building bullet trains and things that will help their overall convenience in life while saving the environment and ensuring a future.

I know that Obama's presidency rides on his ability to make universal health care happen, and this weeked we'll know for sure what he is really capable of. But, the truth is, how can something that is being fought from all sides, Republicans and some Democrats alike, be beneficial? Even states are trying to combat health reform, preparing to sue the federal government if the health care bill passes. I believe that Obama should realize what he is up against, and slowly shift his focus to other matters that are obviously more pressing issues, like the country's debt and the ominous looming problem of the "baby boomers" getting old enough for social security. Acquiring this money should be the focous of the government now, not "spending our way out" of this recession. It won't work this time.

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