Hmm.. Is it an old news now? Maybe.. But I'm just going to write on this guy since it's the only topic I can babble a little.
So we all know that Bernanke got elected for the chairman of Federal Reserve again. The article says that the opposition was unusually high.. 70 to 30? Well, yeah of course, people needed someone to blame for this economic crisis. In fact, I don't really like him either. I know he's got education (B.A. in economics from Harvard and a Ph.D. in economics from M.I.T., and so on..) and experiences (a member of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System (2002 to 2005) and as chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers (from 2005 to 2006)). He seems to be a smart guy and all from what I hear. What I don't like about this whole issue is that Mr. Bernanke is trying to make the Federal Reserve much stronger than it is now. Well, why does that matter? Let's see...
Ever since the United States founded and depended on Bank of United States and all others, the United States always has been in some sort of economic crisis. The national debt, for instance.. Except for once when Andrew Jackson got rid of the bank and cleared all the debt, the United States had to deal with money issues because of those bankers. Many presidents knew and tried to fight back with those powers who had money. Let's see if I can remember any... Abraham Lincoln is one good example. He knew not to borrow money from those big banks because obviously debt = slavery.. Big banks got mad at the United States and decided to do something. That's when the Civil War happened. Lincoln needed money for the war, but he didn't have much. He ended up borrowing money from those big banks and won the war.. He later said that he shouldn't have ever borrowed money from them. Lincoln's hating on rich bankers and then what? He was assassinateed.. The killer goes free because he had mental illness. Really? Ha. Kennedy was a young and bold President. He had his own voice against Fed Reserve. Didn't he die? Shot by someone who had mental illness again? What about James Garfield? Yeah, some crazy dude shot him too.
Why are these happening? Federal Reserve is not a system running under our government or anything; it's ran by rich bankers who seek for private benefit. No wonder it's gone wrong badly. Rockefeller family, Morgan family, Rothschild family and all... Very famous bankers. How can United States get out of hard times when it has to depend on such big bank that works for private benefits? Seeing things that way, I can only wonder what Mr. Bernanke is trying to do with his power and control now.
Now, of course I know that my opinion may be somewhat or very biased. It's because I don't know much about the basic concepts about what goes on today. I've been reading this book called 'Currency War' and that book talks about how Fed Reserve and bankers keep making money from countries by lending money and become stronger individuals than a country. That influenced me a lot, but I do keep in my mind that this is only one of many perspectives of the situation. I'm willing to hear other opinions and what not. Maybe you can leave a comment so we can talk about it?
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ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that Booth didn't go free because he had a mental illness, since he died.
ReplyDeleteAnd I doubt a crazy person killed JFK, I don't think anyone knows who killed JFK actually. It could have the most sane guy in the universe who accidentally pulled the trigger which accidentally hit JFK which accidentally killed him and accidentally made a lot people miss JFK.
I think you are saying that big banks are evil and that they kill important people, even Presidents, like that one movie that came out a few months ago that looked pretty bad.
In our project about national debt, we found ties that linked that the federal reserve is evil in a way. The banks were created to enslave everybody and could be the reason why the founding fathers did not mention banks in the constitution or anywhere else. I don't believe that everything is random or by chance, there has to be a purpose in how things are.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse Flint and ignore what he says about our project and how the banks were created to "enslave" the people. First of all, I am pretty sure that banks in the era of our founding fathers were not meant to "enslave" people through interest and debt. I believe that they were meant for a far greater role, especially as a means of money flow or transfer. Sure, monetary incentive may have been a huge factor, but I do believe that it was certainly not the ONLY purpose. The banking system helped the economy by promoting economic transactions. Without a banking system today, our economy would probably be a fraction (figuratively) of what it is today.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all.. I won't make an excuse. I don't know if Booth had mental illness. That's wrong information I had. I'm not sure if he really died like that though. Historians (including Otto Eisenschiml) at mid 1930s confirmed after decoding a bunch of classified documents that Booth did go free while his accomplice's body was buried instead.
ReplyDeleteSecond.. Maybe you're right. Maybe no one knows who ACTUALLY killed JFK. I definitely believe that Oswald at least tried to kill him though, meaning he shot his gun at JFK. That's probably more of what I was trying to say; Oswald was part of the assassination.
Third.. Yeah, I shouldn't really have said that word crazy. What I was trying to get to was that mental illness became a famous excuse for many murderers since when Richard Lawrence tried to Kill Andrew Jackson. James Garfield works in this case I believe..
Lastly.. Yes they do.
Booth and the Knights of the Golden Circle...
Sudden death of president William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. They were exposed to this same kind of poison I heard. US rushed and concluded the investigation saying that small amount of that poison cannot possible kill a person. No one even knows why that poison was in two presidents' body.. James Garfield, again, died a few weeks after he said something about how currency system is being controlled by a few. Important people? Definitely. In 3 years, 18 very decisive witnesses of the assassination of JFK died. 6 of them were shot, 3 car accidents, two suicides, one got his head cut off, and one was chocked to death. The rest 5? 'Natural death'. From 1963 to 1993, 115 witnesses died or suicided in all bizarre ways. I don't know which movie you're talking about, but my answer is yes.
i say conspiracy by the banks!
ReplyDeleteI would just like to add to my previous comment that I am only referring to Flint's interpretation of the purpose of banks. As long as one follows the guidelines/rules of a particular banking system, they can prosper. The banking system allows for all kinds of economic opportunities and for the global market to grow. Say that I want to buy a house, where would I go to get the money? This is where the banking system comes into play. Without it, it would be infinitely more difficult (figuratively) to purchase the house. It is not entirely the fault of the bank for allowing people to purchase houses that are way beyond what they can afford and the banking institutions that have promoted these kind of practices and loans have likely gone under. It is up to the people themselves to be competent and frugal with their money. If they were, they would not have to worry about being "enslaved". It is only those that are incompetent enough to not know the value of money and to spend way more than they can afford that are in trouble.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to fight Danny, because fighting online is pretty lame, but you really stretched your article to include JFK, Lincoln, and how big banks are evil creatures.
ReplyDeleteSure, there are people who say that Booth escaped, but there are also people who believe that the Earth is flat, and then they support their claims using "evidence". Like, you said historians in the mid 1930s "proved" that Booth escaped, even though the majority of history experts disagree. It's like me saying the Earth is flat because some scientists in 1300 said the earth was flat. Point is, you can say anything you want and prove it with evidence but that doesn't mean it's true.
Oswald may have been part of the assassination, but that doesn't mean he was hired by banks.
Harrison died because he had a cold. Taylor may have been poisoned, but I doubt it was the bank, they weren't that powerful back then. Garfield died because the killer wanted his Vice to be President. I don't think any of these three, or Lincoln or JFK, or any other dead President, died because of banks.
Banks could have murdered those witnesses. But then we will assume they were murdered, and even though it seems like it. Maybe they just were really depressed seeing JFK died, and maybe some of them were just really bad drivers and made enemies with the Mafia. Banks might have done it, but so could Russia, the FBI, the Government, the Free Masons, a secret, secret society, etc...it's all a conspiracy.
I think Bernanke sucks too, but talking about Bernanke and then changing to JFK is stretching it a lot.
Haha I didn't mean to make anyone feel that way, but it seems like my writing offended you a lot. I apologize for that. I had no intention to fight anyone.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're very right. Just because those historians proved something, it doesn't necessarily mean that what they proved is right. You clearly made your point there. But as I stated in my article, I understand that all that I wrote here are just a part of many views that people know. Some believe what's in the textbook, some believe what historians proved, some believe conspiracy this, some believe conspiracy that, and so on. I was just writing down what I believe. After all, who knows what's true and what's not?
I guess then there is no point of trying to argue that the poison (same one that Taylor died from) killed Harrison also. I'll leave Zachary Taylor one at that point too, since the majority believes that he died because of stomach flu. Garfield one too, I guess. Just knowing that it was very advantageous for banks to have more power in the US after those presidents died, I just can't help but believe that it was the bank.
Banks were not powerful back then? Well.. The physical bank that existed in the US might have been unstable in the beginning.. But those who wanted to set up a national bank in US and all? That's a different story. Notice how England Bank and Nathan Rothschild became major stockholders of the First Bank of the United States when Hamilton got Washington to sign for the bank.. How do you think that happened?
Yeah, I agree that I stretched too much when I was writing. It seems like i slipped away from Bernanke to Federal Reserve and big banks and all. That is my fault. Well, you can care less about this, but I was just working on this assignment late at night and I was really tired. I couldn't find any article I could write about since I don't know much about government stuff, so I just picked an article that had to do less with government, and started writing what I could. It was just an assignment for me, but I guess it annoyed you a lot. I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to.
I dont know about all that conspiracy stuff. All I know is that while saying "hey the banks are run by rich greedy old white guys" that doesn't really sound so good, it really is. The national bank is not something we want the government to be in charge of greedy is just what we need. These bankers are the epitome of the free market the invisible hand will work.