Wednesday, February 24, 2010

White House caves -- could 9/11 terror trials move from Lower Manhattan to a town near you?

One of the biggest ongoing topics brewing in the political landscape is the awaiting trial of the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. His trail was set to occur in the very New York City he brought devastation to, and obviously, tremendous issues were present. Foremost, the cost of having the trial in the city of New York would be outrageously high, and most likely New York tax payers would have some sort of problem with that. However, the biggest issue lies in the fact that they would try him in civil court in the very city that suffered at his leisure. Not only would this uproot hateful feelings in the inhabitants of New York, but this would give an unfair public show to the man responsible for thousands of American lives lost.

I have a problem with this whole trial from the very basis of it. I think, for starters, that it is a ridiculous notion that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks is being tried in CIVIL court, as if he engaged in any old misdemeanor or felony. For him to be behind an attack not only on our people, but our nation as a whole, and to be given the same rights as an American citizen would be given, to be tried in a civil court, is a slap in the face not only to those lost in the World Trade Center, but to their families and all Americans as well. With this, I agree more with the Bush administration in considering his actions as an act of war, and he should be tried accordingly as a prisoner of war.

To top this off, there is already a show being made about the whole trial situation. It seems that instead of handing out punishments like the terrorists deserve, we are giving them a stage for them to become "popular" and make a joke out of our country. The press surrounding this man's trial, and all of the buzz going around, only makes this a bigger and juicier issue than it should be. Mohammed should be tried in a military court already, like he deserves, and all this controversy should die down and be kept a secret. Why should America serve as the platform for these terrorist's show room?

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