It is ironic that most people are sick of the health care reform debate. The issue is not whether our health care system is efficient or fair but whether we want big government or small government. The only true health care reform would be creating competition between insurance companies. From what I see you have a choice between a crappy insurance or a crappy insurance with a different name. But this is not any situation the government should intervene, people should intervene after all we are the market.
It is my personal belief that social Darwinism should rule our society. Social Darwinism however is much like the principle of a free market, if there are obstructions to the natural flow there will be negative effects. Take for example social welfare programs like Unemployment or Welfare. These programs in the short run put a band aid on a social problem but in the long run they do not promote self accountability. Government run social welfare programs create somewhat of a dependency and can be misused. It is this dependency and misuse that can create a sustainable lifestyle while still allowing de-construcive behavior.
America does not promise equal results but equal opportunity. Health care is not a promise the United States Government should promise. However, much like public education public health care should be given to children. Equal opportunity for the pursuit of happiness should guarantee that children should be as healthy as possible no matter their families financial situation. The reasons for universal health care for minors are the same a the reasons for public education. Healthy workforce would increase output, healthy students perform better.
The question is not should government intervene in health care the question is when does government intervention get in the way of natural forces that balance our society.
news article: "Comprehensive health bill may be no-go" MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35539047/ns/politics-health_care_reform
Argument seems a bit contradictory, no? Let Social Darwinism rule and yet let's provide universal health care to children! You can't have your cake and eat it, too!
ReplyDeleteIn a way it is, but much like we inturupt the free market and have publicly owned utilities like water, postal service we would need to interupt social Darwinism. Giving children universal health care is letting Social Darwinism work because its mearly starting the "competition" later in the game when that individual can be responsible for his or her well being. In a way it is allowing more competition because it creates a more equal starting point to life. All the children would be as healthy as they can possibly be and I think most people would agree that a healthy individual can be more productive in the class room. Universal health care would improve commerse for the future it would simply be another investment in the future of America.
ReplyDeleteP.S I've never understood the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too" who gets cake and doesn't eat it??? ....People with eating disorders? Since when did people with eating disorders become the moral justices of America! ha ha ha ha jk